Consoling God, be a source of serenity for me when struggles and difficulties threaten to overwhelm me. God of hope, assure me of your unconditional love when I doubt myself or question the worth of my life. Truth-bringing God, encourage me to embrace you during those times when I get lost in the lies of my weakness. Compassionate God, hold me to your heart when I feel helpless in the face of the world’s pain. Light-filled God, keep me ever close to you during those moments when bleakness surrounds my life. Comforting God, shelter me under your wings when I am engulfed in sadness and overcome with distress. God of peace, you are the center of my life, a strong refuge of peace in the whirlwind of my pain. I look to you for strength and a constant assurance of hope. (Joyce Rupp from Out of the Ordinary)